Managing Arthritis
Managing Arthritis and Joint Inflammation, Naturally
Many clinical studies demonstrate that many forms of arthritis and joint inflammatory conditions can be managed effectively through specific dietary and supplementation practices, in conjunction with other natural treatments including chiropractic, massage, exercise, etc.
Unfortunately, many people rely exclusively on anti-inflammatory drugs as their only approach to managing these problems, even though these drugs (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, known as NSAIDS) may produce intestinal tract ulcers and erosion of the stomach lining and intestinal tract. Sad fact; In the U.S., side effects from these dru
gs are associated with 10,000 – 20,000 deaths per year.
NSAIDS also encourages erosion of joint cartilage, which accelerates the arthritic process. They also cause liver and kidney damage with long-term use. Thus, every effort should be made to use these drugs sparingly to minimize risk of adverse side effects. This is where nutrition and supplementation can be of great value.
There is a lot of information available on the do's and don't of dieting, but below is a very quick description of, to my knowledge, the best way to natural manage inflammation in the body.

1.) Eliminate or severely limit high amount of polyunsaturated fats in your diet, which includes high fat red meats, and dairy products. Meats like chicken, turkey and fish are better choices.
2.)Over ingestion of corn oil, sunflower seed oil and safflower oil can lead to inflammation and Pain; instead use olive oil, avocado oil, or peanut oil for dressings.
3.)Consume foods high in Omega-3 oils, such as fish, flaxseed. Supplement with evening primrose, borage seed or black current oil
4.) If you are supplementing with omega-3 oils, such as borage seed, fish, or flax oil, there are certain vitamins and minerals that are required to facilitate the synthesis. You will also want to take a high-potency multivitamin to make sure full absorption and utilization occurs.
5.) In cases of inflammation, take a supplement containing the anti-inflammatory herbs (curcumin, boswellia, white willow extract and ginger), which are standardized grades yielding the optimal amount of anti-inflammatory medicinal agents
6.)In cases of osteoarthritis, or if you are over 40 years of age, supporting joint cartilage production with a product containing glucosamine sulphate, MSM, quercetin and bromelain enzymes, is highly useful
7.) See a trained biomechanical expert (e.g. chiropractor) who can treat the involved joints and muscles and outline a exercise program to help stabilize the joint structures and improve joint function
If you have any questions or would like a deeper understanding of how to manage your health/ inflammatory condition, please get in contact with me!